
Power plant technology & plant construction

Lateral expansion joints for movement in all planes

Type LM 600/ 6/l 50/ R/ R - 950
DP 1,5 bar
DT 130° C
lat. mov. +/- 20 mm

With our extensive experience and know-how of industry standards and specific applications, Flexomat GmbH calculates, designs and manufactures a wide range of expansion joints for power plant technology.

Among other things, lateral and angular expansion joints are used in overflow lines to reduce the loads on the turbine nozzle.

We provide assistance in the use of expansion joints when it comes to selection and proper installation.

In all planning and engineering offices, the types of our expansion joints are stored in the pipe calculation program ROHR2.

application example:

chemical plant

pressure balanced expansion joint DN800 on a gas turbine

power plant

pressure balanced expansion joint DN800 on a gas turbine

oil and gas industries

<link en products expansion-joints axial-expansion-joints _self internal-link internal link in current>axial expansion joint for an tension-free installation

biogas plants

air systems

air intake system with universal expansion joints DN600

exhaust technology (large engines, shipping industry)

exhaust system with DN1000 universal expansion joint

These products are frequently used in the power plant technology and plant construction:

absorb movements vertical to the bracing plane

absorb axial offset through angular movement

compensate assembly tolerances and thermal longitudinal expansion in the direction of the tube axis.

absorb simultaneous axial, lateral and angular movements

can be applied in case of discerning applications or customer requests.